Ciorba cu sfecla rosie si galuste/Red beets soup with dumplings


  • 400 gr cooked red beets;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 cellery;
  • 1 parsnip;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon oil;
  • 200ml tomato sauce;
  • 3l vegetable stock;
  • lemon juice;
  • 1 bundle lovage;
  • 1 bundle parsley.;
  • salt, ground pepper.

For dumplings: eggs, semolina,salt.

In the 4.5l Duraceramic Crock Pot’s bowl , cook the chopped onion , garlic, grated carrots and parsnip in oil and gradually add the vegetable stock. When the vegetables are sauteed , take the pot off the heat and transfer it into the slow cooker. Cut cubes of cellery , bell pepper and add the tomato sauce , the lemon juice and the vegetable stock. Set the slow cooker for 4 hours on high.

2 hours before end, prepare the composition for dumplings. Weigh the whole eggs(I ussed 3 small eggs), the same amount of semolina and a pinch of salt. Mix the eggs very well with salt, add the semolina in ” the rain” and leave aside the composition a little time.

Meanwhile, cut the baked beets and add them to the soup and then add the dumplings with a spoon.

When the program is done , add the rest of spices and the chopped lavage and parsley.

You should serve it hot with sour cream and spring onions.

Enjoy your meal!


  • 400 gr sfecla rosie coapta;
  • 2 buc ceapa;
  • 2 catei de usturoi;
  • 2 buc morcov;
  • 1 tija telina (apio);
  • 1 buc pastarnac;
  • 1 buc ardei gras rosu;
  • 1 lingura ulei masline;
  • 200 ml sos de rosii;
  • 3 litri stock de legume;
  • zeama de lamaie;
  • 1 legatura leustean proaspat;
  • 1 legatura patrunjel proaspat;
  • pentru galuste:oua,gris,sare;
  • sare, piper proaspat macinat.

In vasul Duraceramic al Crock Pot-ului de 4,5l(click aici), se caleste in ulei ceapa, usturoiul, morcovul si pastarnacul ras adaugand treptat si stock de legume. Cand acestea sunt calite, se ia vasul de pe foc si se transfera in slow cooker. SE taie cubulete telina, ardeiul gras si impreuna cu sosul de rosii , zeama de lamaie si restul de stock de legume se adauga in vas si se seteaza pentru 4 ore pe functia high.

Cu 2 ore inainte de final se pregateste compozitia pentru galuste. Se cantaresc ouale cu tot cu coaja(eu am folosit 3 mai mici dar mergeau si 4) si se pregateste aceeasi cantitate de gris. Peste ouale batute bine cu un praf de sare se adauga grisul in ploaie si se lasa putin compozitia deoparte. Intre timp se taie sfecla rondele (asa imi place mie) si se adauga in ciorba dupa care se pun si galustele cu ajutorul unei linguri.

La finalul programului se adauga si restul de condimente si leusteanul cu patrunjelul tocate marunt.

O minunatie servita cu smantana si ceapa verde .

Pofta buna!

TIMP:4 ore pe functia high

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