by Stefania Rus
Pie dough:
500 gr flour;
2 medium eggs;
100 gr sugar;
100 gr cold butter;
100 gr cold lard;
7 gr bicarbonate of soda;
1 pinch of salt;
Milk / mineral water 30-50 ml maximum (added gradually).
Apple filling pie:
6 medium apples;
6 tablespoons sugar;
60 gr butter;
3 tablespoons semollina;
Sift the flour, mix with the baking powder, add the lard and grated butter then the mixture of: eggs and sugar( mixed until is white )and salt. Knead until you get a dough that can be shaped, add milk or mineral water gradually. The dough should not stick to your hands and let it cool in the fridge until the apples are ready.
Peel the apples, grate them and squeeze the juice. The sugar is caramelized, the butter is added, then the apples. Leave it for 5-7 minutes, then add the semolina, cinnamon and the ground walnuts.
Divide the dough in half, spread the first sheet on the lightly floured table, roll it on a rolling pin and place it in the slow cooker bowl lined with baking paper. Add all the apple filling and cover with the second sheet.
From the extra dough, lightly break and form balls with which you can decorate the pie edge. Set the pot on high for 2.5 hours and use an absorbent towel.
After baking, grease the pie with honey and sprinkle with coconut flakes.
It can be served plain or with ice cream!
Aluat fraged:
500 gr faina;
2 oua medii;
100 g zahar cocos (merge si normal desigur);
100 g unt rece;
100 g untura rece;
1 plic praf de copt;
1 varf cutit sare;
Lapte/apa minerala 30-50 ml maxim(adaugat treptat).
Umplutura de mere:
6 mere potrivite;
6 linguri zahar;
60 gr unt;
3 linguri rase gris;
nuci macinate (optional).
Faina se cerne, se amesteca cu praful de copt, se adauga untura si untul ras apoi amestecul din:oua si zahar mixate pana se albesc si sarea.Se framanta pana se obtine un aluat ce se poate modela,adaugati lapte sau apa minerala treptat. Aluatul nu trebuie sa se lipeasca de maini si se da la rece pana sunt gata merele.
Merele se curata de coaja, se dau pe razatoare si se storc de suc. Zaharul se caramelizeaza se adauga untul apoi merele.Se lasa 5-7 minute,dupa care se adauga grisul,scortisoara si nucile macinate.
Aluatul se imparte in jumatate se intinde prima foaie pe masa usor infainata, se ruleaza pe sucitor si se pune in vasul slow cooker-ului tapetat cu hartie copt ..Se adauga toata umplutura si se acopera cu a doua foaie.
Din aluatul extra,rupeti usor si formati bilute cu care ornati pe margine. Se seteaza oala pe high pentru 2,5 ore si folositi un prosop absorbant.
Dupa coacere unge placinta cu miere si presara fulgi de cocos.
Se poate servi simpla sau cu inghetata!
Pofta buna!