Orez cu legume la Crock Pot Duraceramic/Vegetable rice

With 4,5l Duraceramic Crock Pot‘s help I managed to make a vegetable rice wich was perfect garnish for turkey drumsticks, obviously also cooked in a slow cooker.

  • 500 gr frozen vegetable mixture(sweet corn. carrot, peas , red bell pepper, onion);
  • duck fat;
  • 2 butter cubes;
  • 2 cups chicken stock;
  • 1 cup fillipino rice ;
  • salt , pepper, garlic powder.

In the Duraceramic bowl saute the vegetable with butter and duck fat for 3-4 minutes, add  chicken stock ,spices and let for another 3 minutes. Add the rice , mix very well and transfer the bowl in slow cooker and set the pot for 2 hours on low without stirring or lifting the lid.

At the end , with a fork,peel the rice and mix gently with circular movements starting with the top layer and lightly until you reach the bottom.

!! ATENTION!! This process and times apply only for Duraceramic Crock Pot , because the bowl was already hot.

For a slow cooker with ceramic bowl you can find here another rice recipe.

Enjoy your meal!

Cu ajutorul Crock Pot-ului Duraceramic de 4,5l(click aici) am reusit sa fac un orez cu legume ce se desprinde bob cu bob si care a fost garnitura perfecta pentru pulpele de curcan , gatite evident tot la slow cooker.

In vasul Duraceramic am calit legumele in unt si grasimea de rata, dupa care am adaugat si zeama de oase , condimentele si la primul clocot am oprit focul, am adugat si orezul(amestecata foarte bine toata compozitia si nu a depasit 2/4 din inaltimea vasului) si am transferat cu totul in oala slow cooker-ului, pentru 2 ore pe functia low fara a amesteca si fara a ridica capacul.La final ,cu varful unei furculite am amestecat usor cu miscari circulare incepand cu stratul de deasupra si usor pana am ajuns la stratul de jos.

!! ATENTIE!!  Procedeul si timpii se aplica doar in cazul Crock Pot-ului Duraceramic , deoarece vasul era deja foarte fierbinte .

Pentru slow cookerele cu vas ceramic gasiti reteta de orez cu legume aici.

Pofta buna!

TIMP:2 ore pe functia low