As we know, the slow cooker’s ceramic bowl can also be put on a washing machine that cleans and disinfects the dirty dishes, but as not everyone is able to afford one, today I want to write about some tricks that keep the bacteria and bad smell away and why not, even for easier cleaning of the dish after cooking. Most of the time when the bone soup is cooked (click here to see the complete recipe) or when cooking fish, garlic, the smell of the pot does not disappear with a simple wash with warm water and detergent.
   Deodorize the ceramic bowl with baking soda solution with a bit of vinegar until there is no more foam, lemon’s skin and water, and then set the slow cooker for 4 hours on the high function.
  If the pot requires more careful cleaning after stewing, for example, add a dishwashing detergent to this solution. Baking soda increases the cleaning power of the detergent and at the same time neutralizes the odors and, together with the boiling water, destroys the bacteria.
  If for various reasons time does not allow you to wait so long, you can use cold sterilization pills. Simply wash the pre-washed bowl with water and add a pill (for 5 litres of water) and wait 15 minutes, then the pot is ready for the next use. Bacteria and odor removed without too much effort and time. This solution has the advantage of being active for up to 24 hours, so you can use it to disinfect other surfaces / objects such as kitchen counter, plastic containers, etc. .
   To clean the inner aluminum side of the pot, you can make a baking soda paste with vinegar and washing detergent. Apply with a sponge and let it act for a few minutes, then wipe with a wet cloth, taking care not to get the water on the electrical side because you risk to burn the fuse and stopping the slow cooker working properly.
  Another solution for cleaning both the interior of the aluminum and the exterior of the stainless steel is the “magic sponge”. Simply rub the dirty surfaces with it and wipe it off with a cloth and the pot will look like new.

Dupa cum bine stim, vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului poate fi bagat si la masina de spalat, care  curata si dezinfecteaza vasele murdare , dar cum nu toata lumea isi permite una, astazi vreau sa va scriu despre cateva trucuri care sa tina bacteriile si mirosul la distanta si de ce nu , chiar pentru o curatare mai usoara a vasului dupa gatire.

De cele mai multe ori cand se gateste zeama/supa de oase(click aici pentru a vedea reteta completa) sau preparate cu peste, usturoi, mirosul din oala nu dispare cu o simpla spalare cu apa calda si detergent.

Dezodorizeaza vasul ceramic cu o solutie facuta din bicarbonat de sodiu stins cu otet pana nu mai face spuma, coaja de lamaie si apa si seteza oala pentru 4 ore pe functia high. Daca vasul necesita si o curatare mai atenta dupa gatirea fripturilor de exemplu, in aceasta solutie adaugati si detergent de vase. Bicarbonatul de sodiu mareste puterea de curatare a detergentului si in acelasi timp neutralizeaza mirosurile si impreuna cu apa ajunsa la temperatura de fierbere, distrug si bacteriile.

Daca din diverse motive, timpul nu va permite sa asteptati atat de mult, puteti folosi pastile de sterilizare la rece.Pur si simplu , vasul spalat in prealabil, se umple cu apa si se adauga o pastila la 5 litri de apa si se asteapta 15 minute iar vasul este gata pentru urmatoarea utilizare. Bacteriile si mirosul alungate fara prea mult efort si timp. Aceasta solutie are avantajul de a fi activa pana la 24 de ore asa ca o puteti folosi  pentru a dezinfecta si alte suprafete/obiecte cum ar fi tocatorul,blatul de bucatarie , a caserolelor de plastic etc.


Pentru a curata partea interioara din aluminiu a oalei se poate face o pasta din bicarbonat stins cu otet si detergent de vase. Se aplica cu un burete si se lasa sa actioneze cateva minute dupa care se sterge cu o laveta umeda, avand grija sa nu ajunga apa la partea electrica pentru ca riscati sa se arda siguranta si sa nu mai functioneze corespunzator slow cooker-ul.

O alta solutie pentru curatarea atat a interiorului de aluminiu cat si a exteriorului din inox , este “buretele magic”. Pur si simplu se freaca cu el suprafetele murdare si se sterge cu o laveta iar oala va arata ca noua.