Despre noi/About us

Bine v-am gasit!
Eu sunt Elena, fondatoarea acestui blog, care a luat nastere din dorința de a ajuta proaspetele mamici sa petreaca timp de calitate cu piticii fara povara gatitului, care poate fi una istovitoare mai ales după inceperea diversificării, dar și pe acele persoane care detin un slow cooker prafuit, depozitat și uitat prin debara.
Prima intalnire cu un slow cooker a fost in anul 2016, o experiență care m-a marcat, dar care m-a si motivat să cumpar aceasta oala minune. Aveam in fata un slow cooker din ceramica, vechi de peste 40 ani care era inca perfect functional si estetic arata senzational. Detinatoarea acestui slow cooker nu era niciodata stresata ca vine ora mesei. Surprinsa si nedumerita, ma intrebam cum de nu am stiut de aceasta oala pana atunci?
In cautare de solutii eficiente in bucatarie, m-am apucat de cautat informatii, cam putine in limba romana la acel timp, asa ca urmatorul pas a fost achizitionarea celei mai ieftine oale pentru a experimenta si a invata. Dupa prima mancare m-am indragostit iremediabil. Toate experimentele au fost incununate de succes.
Din dorinta de a face cat mai multe retete, dar si din lipsa de informatii, esecurile si-au facut prezenta. Acestea m-au motivat sa gasesc solutii reale pentru problemele mele. Imediat a urmat slow cooker-ul nr. 2, mult mai mare, mai stralucitor si care rezolvase si problema amestecarii in mancare. Din dragoste pentru acest mod de a gati si din dorinta de a ajuta neconditionat, am inceput sa-mi fotografiez rezultatele, care erau de fapt preparate traditionale romanesti adaptate, si sa le postez pe diferite grupuri online pe platforma Facebook.
De aici incepe o alta poveste foarte frumoasa si care merita impartasita, povestea slowcookingwithlove.
La scurt timp dupa achizitionarea primului slow cooker am descoperit online si o mica comunitate unde am gasit oameni frumosi, oameni dornici de a invata si a impartasi din tainele slow cookingului. Un inceput frumos care in scurt timp mi-a adus in cale 2 persoane dragi sufletului meu, pe numele lor Stefania Rus si Alina Storch.
Aceste doua fiinte minunate, devotate si prieteni de nadejde au lucrat cu daruire la dezvoltarea armonioasa a acestei comunitati online, atat la bine cat si la greu. Au devenit familia slowcookingwithlove muncind cu dedicare multe ore din timpul lor doar din placere. Ne-am transformat intr-o familie nu doar pentru ca impartasim aceeasi dragoste pentru slow cooking, dar si pentru ca o familia frumoasa lupta zilnic pentru progres si pentru a transmite mai departe principii sanatoase.
Una dintre cele mai importante valori ale unei familii fericite este unitatea ei asa ca ne-am unit fortele pentru a oferi acestui blog diversitate si cele mai delicioase retete experimentate de 3 simple mamici fara studii culinare.

Va invitam sa rasfoiti cu drag retetele noastre si daca va plac nu ezitati sa le impartasiti si cu prietenii vostri printr-un share.

Elena Lupu
Stefania Rus
Alina Storch

I am Elena, the founder of this blog, who started to exist from the desire to help new moms to  spend quality time with theirs children without the burden of cooking, which can be exhausting especially after the start of diversification, but also those people who have a slow dusty cooker, stored and forgotten in the closet.
The first meeting with a slow cooker was in 2016, an experience that marked me, but which also motivated me to buy this miracle pot. I had in front of me a ceramic slow cooker, over 40 years old that was still perfectly functional and aesthetically looking sensational. The owner of this slow cooker was never stressed that it was time for dinner. Surprised , I wondered why I didn’t know about this pot until then?
I started to search efficient solutions in the kitchen, I started looking for information, not many in Romanian at that time, so the next step was to buy the cheapest pot to experiment and learn. After the first meal I felt irremediable in love. All experiments were a  success.
With a big desire to make as many recipes as possible, but also due to the lack of information, the failures made their presence felt. These motivated me to find real solutions to my problems. Immediately followed the slow cooker no. 2, much bigger, shiny who also solved the problem of mixing in food. Out of love for this way of cooking and out of the desire to help unconditionally, I started to photograph my results, which were in fact traditional Romanian  food, and to post them on different online groups on the Facebook platform.
From here begins another very beautiful story that deserves to be shared with you, the slowcookingwithlove story.
Shortly after purchasing the first slow cooker, I discovered online a small community where I found beautiful people, people eager to learn and share the secrets of slow cooking. A beautiful beginning that in a short time brought me 2 beautiful people, named Stefania Rus and Alina Storch.
These two wonderful, devoted and trusted friends have worked tirelessly on the harmonious development of this online community, for better or for worse. They became the slowcookingwithlove family working with dedication many hours of their time just for fun. We have become a family not only because we share the same love for slow cooking, but also because a beautiful family fights daily for progress and to transmit healthy principles.
One of the most important values ​​of a happy family is its unity, so we have joined forces to offer this blog diversity and the most delicious recipes experimented by 3 simple mothers without culinary studies.
We invite you to have a look on our recipes and if you like it, don’t hesitate to share them with your friends through a share.

Elena Lupu
Stefania Rus
Alina Storch