by Elena
500 gr tomatoes
3 green onion
3 garlic cloves
2 carrots
1 red / yellow bell pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt, pepper, bay leaves, basil
Bake the bell peppers and the tomatoes in the preheated oven for 30 minutes on medium heat and peel them after . Put the seedless tomatoes in a blender with the spices and together with the baked pepper cut into strips, in the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker.
Separately, lightly sauté the grated carrot with the onion and crushed garlic.
Mix everything and set the slow cooker for 3 hours on high.
I served it with garlic toast. A delight!!!!
500 gr rosii
3 fire ceapa verde
3 catei de usturoi
2 morcovi
1 ardei gras rosu/galben
1 lingurita zahar
1 lingura ulei de masline
Condimente dupa plac:sare ,piper, foi de dafin, busuioc
Ardeiul gras si rosiile spalate si crestate putin se baga in cuptorul preincalzit pentru 30 minute la foc mediu dupa care se decojesc. Rosiile fara seminte se baga a blender cu condimentele si impreuna cu ardeiul copt taiat fasii , in vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului.
Separat calim usor morcovul ras cu ceapa si usturoiul strivit .
Amestecam totul si setam pentru 3 ore pe functia high.
Am servit cu paine prajita cu usturoi . Un deliciu!!!!