Creier pane/Pork brain

by Elena

Clean and wash very well the pork brain. Separately put on hob a pot with water, vinegar, salt and when the water boils put the pieces of brain and leave for 10 minutes, then remove and leave it to cool.

In 3 separate dishes prepare: flour, beaten eggs with spices(salt , ground pepper) and breadcrumbs.

Roll the pieces of pork brain in flour, then in eggs and finally in breadcrumbs and placed in the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker lined with baking paper and set the pot for 2.5 hours on high and use an absorbent towel under the lid.

I served with beetroot rice (click here to see the recipe). Delicious!!

Good appetite!

Creierul se spala si se curata. Separat se pune pe foc o oala cu apa,otet,sare si cand apa da in clocot se pun bucatile de creier si se lasa 10 minute, apoi se scot si se lasa la racit.

In 3 vase separate se pregateste : faina, oua batute cu condimente si pesmet.

Bucatile de creier se tavalesc prin faina, apoi prin ou si la final prin pesmet si se aseaza in vasului ceramic al slow cooker-ului Cookworks de 6,5l tapetat cu hartie de copt si setam oala pentru 2,5 ore pe functia high si cu prosop absorbant sub capac.

Am servit cu, orez cu sfecla rosie(click aici pentru a vedea reteta). Delicios!!

Pofta buna!

TIMP:2,5 ore pe functia high

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