- 25 gr butter;
- 75 gr sugar;
- grated rind and juice of 1 orange;
- 1 vanila pod;
- 3 tablespoon cognac;
- 200ml boiling water;
- 4 bananas.
Heat the 4.7l Duraceramic bowl,add the butter,sugar and orange rind and juice and stir until the butter has melted. Add the vanilla seeds to the slow cooker bowl along with the cognac and boiling water.
Add the bananas, halved lengthways, to the slow cooker ,arranging them in a single layer and press them beneath the liquid . It is very important to cover them with liquid. Set the slow cooker for 1.5 hours on low .
Spoon the bananas and cognac sauce into a dish as you like with extra ice cream or whipped cream.
- 25gr unt;
- 75 gr zahar;
- coaja rasa si sucul de la o portocala;
- 1 pastaie de vanilie;
- 3 linguri cognac;
- 200 ml apa;
- 4 banane.
Incalzeste vasul Duraceramic , adauga untul, zaharul ,coaja rasa si sucul de portocala si amesteca pana untul se topeste. Adauga mai apoi si semintele de vanilie impreuna cu cognacul si apa fierbinte.
Taie bananele in jumatate de-a lungul ei si aseaza-le intr-un singur strat in slow cooker . Este foarte important ca bananele sa fie acoperite de lichid. Seteaza slow cookerul 4.7l Duraceramic Crock Pot pentru 1.5 ore pe low .
Decoreaza dupa plac si seveste cu extra frisca sau inghetata.
Pofta buna!