by Elena
180 ml water
2 teaspoons natural coffee
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon hot chocolate
milk to taste
Put all ingredients in your slow cooker bowl and set the pot on high for 2 hours. At the end add a few drops of cold water and let to settle.
Separately prepare the milk foam. In a jar add the milk, the lid and stir well until it foams and then in the microwave at maximum power for 30 seconds. Carefully pour the milk over the coffee and the foam on top.
180 ml apa
2 lingurite cafea naturala
1 lingurita zahar
1 lingurita ciocolata calda
lapte dupa plac
Toate ingredientele se pun pentru 2 ore pe functia high,dupa care se adauga cateva picaturi de apa rece si se lasa sa se decanteze zatul.
Separat pregatim spuma de lapte. Intr-un borcan adaugam laptele, capacul si agitam bine pana face spuma si apoi in microunde la putere maxima pentru 30 secunde. Cu grija se rastoarna laptele peste cafea si spuma deasupra.