by Stefania Rus
- sliced pork ;
- spices (salt, pepper, paprika, thyme, dehydrated vegetables);
- potatoes;
- carrot slices;
- onion;
- 1/2 sliced garlic cloves;
- 250 gr mashed tomatoes;
- parsley sauce for serving.
The meat is salted, covered and left in the fridge overnight (it will leave the water it contains). The next day add the rest of the spices (on both sides) and place in the slow cooker bowl, followed by the tomatoes and dehydrated vegetables. Over all this add the chopped vegetables, in the desired shape and set the slow cooker for 5 hours on high .
Ingredients for parsley sauce:
- 2 bunches of parsley;
- 1 teaspoon honey;
- salt pepper;
- juice of 1/2 lemon;
- 3 tablespoons oil;
- 2 tablespoons water;
- 1 clove of garlic (optional).
- All ingredients in a blender until a fine paste is obtained.
- ceafa porc feliata;
- condimente(sare,piper,boia dulce,cimbru,legume deshidratate);
- cartofi;
- morcovi rondele;
- ceapa;
- 1/2 capatana usturoi feliat);
- 250 gr rosii pasate;
- sos de patrunjel pentru servire.
Carnea se sareaza,se acopera si se lasa peste noapte la frigider(isi va lasa din apa ce o contine).A doua zi se adauga restul de condimente(pe ambele parti)se aseaza in vasul slow cooker-ului,urmate de rosii si legumele deshidratate. Peste toate acestea se adauga legumele taiate grosier,sub forma dorita si se seteaza oala pentru 5 ore pe modul high.
Ingrediente necesare pentru sosul de patrunjel:
- 2 legaturi de patrunjel ;
- 1 lingurita miere ;
- sare,piper;
- zeama de la 1/2 lamaie ;
- 3 linguri ulei ;
- 2 linguri apa plata ;
- 1 graunte usturoi (optional).
- Toate ingredientele la blender pana se obtine o pasta fina.
Pofta buna!