by Stefania Rus
- 800 gr pork neck with or without bone;
- 1 full clove of garlic;
- 4 white red onions;
- 2 red bell pepper;
- salt, pepper, dehydrated vegetables;
- 1 tablespoon raw sugar;
- 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar;
- 5 tablespoons cold pressed sunflower oil;
- 1 teaspoon oregano;
- sweet paprika .
Put the oil in a non-stick pan and when it is well heated, put the sliced meat and leave until it changes the colour, stirring from time to time. Add the vegetables (julienned onions, sliced pepper, sliced garlic and after 3 minutes add the sugar and balsamic vinegar), spices and leave everything for 10 minutes without a lid.
Transfer everything to the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker and set the pot for 4 hours on high .
Serve hot with fresh parsley and any garnish you like.
Enjoy your meal!
- 800 gr ceafa porc cu sau fara os;
- 1 capatana usturoi;
- 4 cepe rosii albe ;
- 2 ardei capia rosu;
- sare,piper,legume deshidratate;
- 1 lingura zahar brut;
- 2 linguri otet balsamic;
- 5 linguri ulei floarea soarelui presat la rece;
- 1 lingurita oregano;
- boia ardei dulce.
Pune uleiul intr-o tigaie antiaderenta,cand s-a incins bine pune carnea taiata fasii si lasa pana isi schimba culoarea amestecand din cand in cand.Adauga si legumele (ceapa julien,ardeiul fasii,usturoiul felii si dupa 3 minute zaharul si otetul balsamic),condimentele si lasa totul pentru 10 minute fara capac.
Transfera totul in vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului tau si seteaza oala pentru 4 ore pe functia high.
Serveste fierbinte cu patrunjel proaspat si orice garnitura doresti.
Pofta buna!