Although sheep breeding in Romania is a traditional activity (3rd place in the EU after the UK and Spain), we can not say the same thing about the consumption of lamb meat. According to the statistics, the Romanians consume only 2.2kg of lamb’s meat compared to over 30kg of pork and over 20kg of chicken, so we invite you to destroy the statistics and eat this meat which is rich in iron and potassium, not just for Easter.
After introducing your lamb recipe to the slow cooker (click here), I challenge you to try this wonderful soup.
- 600 gr lamb meat;
- optional 1 tablespoon ” data-wplink-url-error=”true”>rice vinegar (or lemon juice);
- 3 yolks;
- 400 gr sour cream;
- vegetable stock;
- salt, freshly ” data-wplink-url-error=”true”>mint sauce to remove the specific lamb smell ). In another hot pan add the oil and garlic crushed. When it is brown, took it out and add the onion, chopped, carrots and the parsnip and gradually add the vegetable stock.
In the 5,7l Crock Pot with Autostir ‘s (click here) ceramic bowl add the meat, the vegetables, celery, green onion,swede and chopped peppers, the vegetable stock plus water (about 2, 5 l) for 3 hours on high. At the end add the sweet chilli pepper( cut as strips), rice vinegar (as desired) and sour cream mixed with yolks after temper it with more than half of the soup and mix very well. Season with salt and pepper for desired taste and leave for one more hour on high, stirr once if you do not own the Crock Pot with Autostir.
Good appetite!
Desi in Romania cresterea ovinelor este o activitate traditionala(locul 3 in UE dupa Marea Britanie si Spania), nu putem spune acelasi lucru si despre consumul carnii de oaie. Conform statisticilor, romanii consuma doar 2,2kg de carne de oaie comparativ cu peste 30 kg de carne de porc si peste 20kg carne de pui asa ca va invit sa stricam statisticile si sa consumam aceasta carne bogata in fier si potasiu, nu doar la masa de Paste.
Dupa ce v-am prezentat reteta de miel cu sos de meta la slow cooker(click aici) , va provoc sa incercati si aceasta ciorba minunata.
- 600 gr carne de miel cu os;
- optional 1 lingura sos de menta;
- 2 linguri ulei de masline;
- 1 ceapa;
- 1 legatura ceapa verde;
- 3 catei de usturoi;
- 1 morcov mare;
- 1 pastarnac;
- 1/2 ardei gras galben;
- 1/2 ardei gras rosu;
- 3 ardei capia copti;
- telina;
- gulie;
- 1 legatura leustean de preferat proaspat;
- otet de orez(sau zeama de lamaie)
- 3 galbenusuri;
- 400 gr smantana;
- stock de legume;
- sare,piper proaspat macinat.
Intr-un vas separat, pe aragaz , am dat intr-un clocot carnea de miel cu o lingura de sos de menta (aceasta operatiune este optionala dar noi preferam ciorba clara , iar sosul de menta pentru a elimina din mirosul specific al carnii de miel).
Intr-un alt vas incins am adaugat uleiul si usturoiul zdrobit. Cand acesta s-a rumenit, l-am scos si am adaugat ceapa uscata, tocata marunt, morcovul si pastarnacul ras si le-am calit, adaugand treptat stock de legume.
In vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului Crock Pot cu Autostir de 5,7l(click aici) am adaugam carnea, legumele calite, telina,ceapa verde, gulia si ardeiul gras tocate cuburi, stock-ul de legume plus apa(aproximativ 2,5l) pentru 3 ore pe functia high. La finalul programului adaugam leusteanul tocat marunt, ardeii capia copti taiati fasii(asemenea taieteilor) , otetul de orez (dupa plac) si smantana cu galbenusurile dupa ce a fost temperata in prealabil cu mai mult din jumatate din zeama din oala si amestecam foarte bine. Asezonam cu sare si piper dupa gust si mai lasam inca o ora pe functia high, amestecand mcar o singura data daca nu detineti Crock Pot-ul cu Autostir.
Pofta buna!
TIME/TIMP:4 hours on high function/4 ore pe functia high