by Elena
In the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker Crock Pot put, ochiometrically, chopped cabbage, potatoes, bell peppers, celery, parsnips, onions and carrots , tomato sauce , bone stock (click here to see the recipe), lemon juice, fresh parsley and seasoned to taste and smoked gammon (ham). Set the pot for 9 hours on low and the food is ready without too much effort.
Good appetite!
In vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului Crock Pot am pus, ochiometric, varza dulce tocata, cartofi, ardei gras, telina, pastarnac, ceapa si morcov calite separat pe aragaz, sos de rosii, zeama de oase(click aici pentru a vedea reteta), zeama de lamaie, patrunjel proaspat si condimentat dupa plac si gammon(jambon) afumat . Am setat oala pentru 9 ore pe functia low si am plecat la somn iar dimineata mancarea a fost gata fara prea mult efort.
Pofta buna!