When we mention “coliva”, unfortunately, our mind often associates it with death because it is often used at funerals to honor the memory of the decesed, being a custom of Orthodox Church, but I associate this with a dessert that I like. For me it means only a sweetened pearl barly, so I want to present you the slow cooker version.
- 1 cup pearl barly;
- 2 cups water;
- maple/honey syrup(or sugar if you want);
- ground walnuts;
- seeds from a vanilla pod.
Wash the pearls barley very well and then let it to hydrate overnight with 2 cups of water.
Next day put everything in the slow cooker with vanilla seeds and set for 3 hours on high.
At the end add grand walnuts , maple syrup and let for another half hour.
Decorate as you like.
Good appetite!
Atunci cand amintim de coliva, din pacate, mintea noastra face asocierea cel mai des cu moartea, deoarece aceasta se serveste cel mai des la inmormantari pentru cinstirea memoriei celui trecut in nefiinta, fiind un obicei al Bisericii Ortodoxe, insa eu o asociez doar cu un desert care imi place. Pentru mine semnifica doar grau indulcit, asa ca vreau sa va prezint si varianta facuta la slow cooker.
1 masura “pearl barly” arpacas
2 masuri apa
Sirop de artar/miere (sau zahar daca vreti mai dulce)
Nuca macinata dupa plac
Semintele de la o pastaie de vanilie
Arpacasul l-am spalat foarte bine in multe ape si apoi l-am lasat la hidratat peste noapte cu cele 2 masuri de apa.
Dimineata am rasturnat cu totul in vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului cu semintele de vanilie si am setat 3 ore pe high.
La final am adaugat nuca, siropul de artar si am mai lasat jumatate de ora.
Decorati dupa plac 😉
Delicios ❤
Pofta buna!