- 65gr unsalted butter;
- 150 gr caster sugar;
- grated rind and juice from 1 big lemon;
- grated rind and juice from 1 orange;
- 2 eggs, beaten.
Put the butter and sugar in a saucepan, add the fruit rinds, then the juice. Heat gently for 3 minutes , stirring occasionally, until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved.
Pour the mixture into a ceramic bowl that will fit comfortably in your slow cooker pot. Leave to cool for 10 minutes and then gradually add the beaten eggs and mixx well. Place the bowl in your slow cooker pot(I used 5,7l Crock Pot with hinged lid). Pour warm water in the slow cooker’s bowl to come halfway up. Use an absorbent towel , place the lid and cook on low for 4 hours on low.
Prepare as above only with lemons or only with oranges if you like .
It’s a delicious cream for toast or pancake.
Good appetite!
- 65 gr unt fara sare;
- 150 gr zahar;
- coaja rasa si sucul de la o lamaie mare;
- coaja rasa si sucul de la o portocala;
- 2 oua batute.
Intr-o oala la foc mediu topeste untul cu zaharul, coaja rasa si sucul de fructe, pentru 3 minute sau pana cand zaharul este complet topit.Pune compozitia intr-un bol ceramic care sa se potriveasca in interiorul vasului slow cookerului pe care vrei sa-l folosesti(eu am folosit vasul de 5,7l Crock Pot cu Hinged lid). Lasa compozitia sa raceasca pentru 10 minute si apoi adauga treptat ouale batute spuma amestecand foarte bine. Transfera bolul in slow cooker si adauga apa calda pana la jumatatea bolului. Foloseste un prosop absorbant pentru a impiedica picaturile de apa de pe capac sa cada peste crema si apoi seteaza oala pentru 4 ore pe low.
Poti face aceasta crema numai din lamai sau numai din portocale daca doresti.
O crema delicioasa pentru clatite sau paine prajita cu unt.
Pofta buna!