- 3 separate eggs;
- 120 gr baked pumpkin(you can also use baked pears or apples);
- 80 gr sugar;
- 110 gr plain flour;
- 5 gr baking powder;
- 70 gr ground walnuts;
- cinnamon and a pinch of salt;
- apple jam.
Both, the baked pumpkin and the apple jam are made in a slow cooker so you will find separate posts for them as well.
In a bowl, mix the yolks well with the baked pumpkin, ground walnuts and cinnamon.
Separately mix the whites with a pinch of salt and sugar , then gradually add them over the yolks and mix with a “bottom-up” move. Add also the plain flour and the baking powder.Place the composition in slow cooker and set it for 2 hours on high and use an apple jam.
It is super fluffy, delicious and very easy to do.
Good appetite!
3 oua
120 gr dovleac copt
80 gr zahar
110 gr faina alba+5gr praf de copt
70 gr nuca macinata, scortisoara
un praf de sare.
gem de mere
Atat dovleacul copt cat si gemul de mere sunt facute tot la slow cooker asa ca o sa gasiti postari separate si pentru ele.
Galbenusurile se amesteca bine cu dovleacul , nuca, scortisoara. Separat se bat albusurile spuma cu praful de sare si zaharul dupa care le adaugam treptat peste galbenus si amestecam cu miscare de jos in sus. Adaugam si faina cu praful de copt.
Totul in slow cooker ptr 2 ore pe high cu prosop absorbant.
La final am uns prajitura cu dulceata de mere si am adaugat nuca.
Super pufoasa,delicioasa si simplu de facut.