by Elena
- 400 gr pears;
- 400 gr apples;
- 200 gr kiwi;
- 100 gr brown light sugar;
- 1 cinnamon stick;
- juice from half a lemon.
The washed, cleaned and diced fruits are simply placed in the ceramic bowl of the slow cooker together with the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything very well and set the pot for 3 hours on the high function using an absorbent towel.
Delicious, aromatic and a sweet-sour taste.
- 400 gr pere(cantitate dupa curatare) ;
- 400 gr mere;
- 200 gr kiwi ;
- 100 gr zahar brun;
- 1 baton scortisoara;
- sucul de la o jumatate de lamaie.
Fructele spalate, curatate si taiate cuburi se pun pur si simplu in vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului impreuna cu restul ingredientelor. Se amesteca totul foarte bine si se seteaza oala pentru 3 ore pe functia high folosind si prosop absorbant.
Delicios, aromat si un gust dulce-acrisor .
Pofta buna!