by Elena
- 500 gr fresh rhubarb;
- 1 teaspoon ground ginger;
- 15 gr freshly grated ginger;
- 300 gr sugar (or more if you want);
- lemon juice.
Wash, peel and chop the rhubarb into 1 cm chuncks.
Add the chopped rhubarb in your slow cooker bowl with the rest of ingredients and mix very well.
Use an absobent towel , put the lid and set the pot for 3 hours on low.
The consistency of rhubarb jam is a little bit liquid but perfect for a simple cake.
- 500 gr rubarba proaspata;
- 1 lingurita ghimbir pudra;
- 15 gr ghimbir proaspat razuit;
- 300 gr zahar (sau mai mult);
- zeama de lamaie.
Spala, decojeste si taie rubarba in felii de aproximativ 1 cm.
In vasul slow cooker-ului tau adauga rubarba , restul de ingrediente si amesteca foarte bine.
Seteaza oala pentru 3 ore pe functia low si nu uita sa folosesti si un prosop absorbant.
Rezultatul final are o consistenta mai lichida dar e compozitia perfecta pentru un pandispan simplu.
Pofta buna!