by Stefania Rus
- 1 rabbit ;
- 1 cup white, rosé or semi-sweet red wine;
- 2 tablespoons honey;
- juice of 1 lemon;
- thyme;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 4 tablespoons olive oil;
- sweet paprika as you like;
- enough smoked paprika ;
- salt, enough peppercorns;
- nutmeg;
- little bit ginger;
- anise, basil, oregano;
- 2 sliced onions;
- garlic cloves.
In a deep bowl, prepare a marinade of all the above ingredients and mix well with a whisk and then add the whole rabbit. Cut the meat, making deep pockets on both sides, in which you insert garlic cloves. Massage the meat very well with the marinade. Cover the dish and leave it in the fridge for 12 hours and don’t forget to turn the meat on the other side after 6 hours.
The next day in your slow cooker bowl, place only the meat, without liquid, and set the pot for 5 and a half hours on high.
A delight for rabbit meat lovers.
- 1 bucata iepure;
- 1 cana de vin alb,roze,rosu demidulce;
- 2 linguri miere;
- zeama de la 1 lamaie;
- cimbru;
- 2 foi dafin;
- 4 linguri ulei masline;
- boia dulce cat de multa;
- boia afumata cat de multa;
- sare,destul piper boabe;
- nucsoara;
- putin ghimbir;
- anason,busuioc,oregano;
- 2 cepe taiate solzisori;
- usturoi.
Intr-un bol adanc prepara o marinata din toate ingredientele de mai sus si omogenizeaza bine cu un tel apoi adauga iepurele intreg. Cresteaza carnea ,facand buzunare adanci, pe ambele parti, in care introduci catei de usturoi. Maseaza carnea foarte bine cu marinata. Acopera vasul si lasa-l la frigider pentru 12 ore si nu uita sa intorci carnea si pe partea cealalta dupa 6 ore.
A doua zi in vasul slow cooker-ului tau aseaza doar carnea , fara lichid, si seteaza oala pentru 5 ore si jumatate pe functia high.
Un deliciu pentru iubitorii de carne de iepure.
Pofta buna!