by Stefania Rus
- 1kg lamb meat;
- 600 gr Greek yogurt;
- 4 tablespoons oil;
- lemon juice;
- garlic;
- salt, pepper, thyme.
Prepare a sauce with the above ingredients and mix with the lamb meat. Leave everything to marinate in the fridge overnight.
The next day, the meat without the sauce is transferred to the slow cooker bowl. Set the pot for 6 hours on high. For the crust, transfer the meat to the preheated oven at 160 degrees for a few minutes.
Enjoy your meal!
- 1kg carne miel;
- 600 gr iaurt grecesc;
- 4 linguri ulei;
- zeama de la o lamaie;
- usturoi;
- sare, piper,cimbru.
Pregateste un sos cu ingredientele de mai sus si amesteca cu carnea de miel. Lasa totul la marinat in frigider peste noapte.
A doua zi, carnea fara sos, se transfera in vasul slow cooker-ului. Seteaza oala pentru 6 ore pe high . Pentru crusta, transfera carnea in cuptorul preincalzit la 160 grade pentru cateva minute.
Pofta buna!