by Stefania Rus
- 4 eggs;
- 150 ml milk;
- 250 gr butter at room temperature;
- 150-200 gr sugar , or less;
- 1 dark chocolate;
- 1 milk chocolate;
- 50 gr cocoa;
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 sachet of baking powder;
- 200 gr walnuts broken into large pieces;
- 50 gr hydrated raisins;
- 210 gr flour.
In a deep bowl, mix the butter with the sugar for 5 minutes, then add one egg at a time and mix until incorporated. Melt 50 gr of chocolate in the steam bath with the milk and add over the previous composition and mix until everything is incorporated. . Add the sifted flour together with the baking powder, cocoa and the rest of the ingredients and mix gently with a spatula.
Place baking paper in the slow cooker bowl and turn the whole composition over. Set the pot for 2 hours on high and don’t forget to use an absorbent towel.
From the rest of chocolate, prepare a chocolate sauce on a steam bath with 50 ml milk and 30 gr butter. Remove the brownie on a grill as soon as it is ready, make small holes on its surface with a stick and then pour all the chocolate sauce over.
- 4 oua;
- 150 ml lapte;
- 250 gr unt la temperatura camerei;
- 150-200 gr zahar sau chiar mai putin;
- 1 ciocolata neagra;
- 1 ciocolata cu lapte;
- 50 gr cacao;
- 1/4 lingurita scortisoara;
- 1 praf de sare;
- 1 plic praf de copt;
- 200 gr nuci rupte bucati mari;
- 50 gr stafide hidratate;
- 210 gr faina.
Intr-un bol adanc mixeaza untul impreuna cu zaharul pentru 5 minute dupa care adauga pe rand cate un ou si mixeaza pana se incorporeaza .Topeste pe baie de aburi 50 gr din ciocolata impreuna cu laptele si adauga peste compozitia anterioara si mixeaza pana se incorporeaza totul. Adauga si faina cernuta impreuna cu praful de copt, cacao si restul de ingrediente si omogenizeaza usor cu o spatula.
In vasul slow cooker-ului tau aseaza hartie de copt si rastoarna toata compozitia. Seteaza oala pentru 2 ore pe functia high si nu uita sa folosesti si un prosop absorbant.
Din restul de ciocolata pregatesti un sos de ciocolata pe baie de aburi cu 50 ml lapte si 30 gr unt. Scoate pe un gratar negresa imediat cum este gata , inteapa suprafata acesteia cu un bat de frigaruies dupa care rastoarna tot sosul de ciocolata.
Pofta buna!