by Elena
- 5 eggs;
- spices: salt, garlic powder, pepper;
- dill;
- spring onions;
- grilled vegetable mix: bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms;
- feta cheese;
- cheese;
- oregano (optional)
- ketchup for serving.
In a deep bowl, mix the eggs with the spices, dill and finely chopped onion. Add the grilled vegetable mixture and the feta cheese cubes and mix with a spoon.
Pour the composition into the slow cooker bowl lined with baking paper. Set the pot for 1.5 hours on high and don’t forget to use an absorbent towel.
When the time has expired, add the grated cheese and oregano and leave for another 30 minutes on high .
A delicious omelette with a pizza look, served with spicy ketchup.
- For a larger quantity use a bigger slow cooker (in my case it was enough for the 3 liter slow cooker).
- If the amount exceeds half the height of your bowl, extend the time by 30 minutes on high.
- 5 oua;
- condimente: sare, usturoi pudra, piper;
- marar;
- ceapa verde;
- mix de legume la gratar: ardei gras, dovlecel, vinete,ciuperci;
- branza feta;
- cascaval;
- oregano(optional)
- ketchup pentru servire.
Intr-un bol adanc mixeaza ouale cu condimentele, mararul si ceapa tocate marunt. Adauga mixul de legume la gratar si branza feta cuburi si amesteca cu o lingura pentru a nu sfarama branza.
Rastoarna compozitia in vasul slow cooker-ului tau tapetat cu hartie de copt. Seteaza oala pentru 1,5 ore pe functia high si nu uita sa folosesti si un prosop absorbant.
Cand timpul a expirat adauga cascavalul ras dupa plac si oregano si mai lasa pentru inca 30 minute pe functia high.
O omleta delicioasa cu aspect de pizza , servita cu ketchup picant.
Pofta buna!
- Pentru o cantitate mai mare foloseste un slow cooker mai mare( in cazul meu a fost suficient pentru slow cooker-ul de 3litri).
- Daca cantitatea depaseste jumatate din inaltimea vasului tau mai prelungeste timpul cu 30 minute pe functia high.