by Elena
- 250 gr pasta (fusilli);
- 2 tablespoons olive oil;
- 1 onion;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 bell pepper;
- 1/2 zucchini;
- 200 gr mushrooms;
- 1/2 eggplant;
- 200 gr cherry tomatoes;
- 1 liter vegetable stock (I used more because I wanted more sauce);
- 300 ml tomato sauce;
- spices: salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil;
- cheese / mozzarella to serve.
In the Duraceramic bowl add the olive oil and when it is hot enough, add and brown the chopped vegetables one by one, in the above order, until they are partially cooked. The operation is necessary because all vegetables have different cooking times.
Transfer the bowl to the slow cooker bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and set the pot for 2 hours on low, because the bowl is already very hot or until the pasta has the desired consistency.
Serve hot with cheese or mozzarella to taste.
Enjoy your meal!
- 250 gr paste ( fusilli);
- 2 linguri ulei masline;
- 1 ceapa;
- 1 morcov;
- 1 ardei gras;
- 1/2 dovlecel;
- 200 gr ciuperci;
- 1/2 vinete;
- 200 gr rosii cherry;
- 1 litru stock legume ( eu am folosit mai mult pentru ca am vrut mai mult sos);
- 300 ml sos de rosii;
- condimente:sare, piper, usturoi, busuioc;
- cascaval/mozzarella pentru servire.
In vasul Duraceramic adauga uleiul de masline si cand este incins suficient, adauga si soteaza pe rand legumele tocate , in ordinea de mai sus, pana cand sunt gatite partial. Operatiunea este necesara deoarece toate legumele au timpi diferiti de preparare.
Transfera bolul in vasul slow cooker-ului , adauga si restul de ingrediente si seteaza oala pentru 2 ore pe functia low, deoarece vasul este deja foarte fierbinte sau pana cand pastele au consistenta dorita.
Serveste fierbinte cu cascaval sau mozzarella dupa plac.
Pofta buna!