by Stefania Rus
- 250 gr cold butter cut into pieces 82% fat necessarily;
- 300 gr cream cheese (Goldesa or Philadelphia);
- 450 gr plain flour.
If you want the sweet version, with fruit, jam, instead of cream cheese use mascarpone, the same quantity, this in the idea that it does not have the same percentage of salt.
Add this three ingredients to the mixer until everything is homogenous, no more, remove the dough on the lightly floured table, spread the flour and the thin sheet on the dough with a rolling pin, then cut the edges a little so that you have all the beautiful, straight edges. Sprinkle with mozzarella and roll tightly. You will get a roll that you cut into pieces about 3 fingers thick with a sharp knife. Put the pieces obtained in a tray (the tray can fit in the freezer drawer) and put them in the freezer for about 15 minutes.
In your slow cooker bowl lined with baking sheet or greased with butter, place the packages, grease with beaten egg, place an absorbent towel and set the pot for 2.5 hours on high mode. They need to be turned on half time and the towel to be changed.
For the sweet version, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and then the fruits and follow the same procedure.
Attention!Grease the egg packets just after placing them in the slow cooker bowl.
- 250 gr unt rece taiat bucati 82% grasime neaparat;
- 300 gr crema de branza(Goldesa sau Philadelphia);
- 450 gr faina 000.
In cazul in care doresti varianta dulce,cu fructe,gem,in locul cremei de branza foloseste mascarpone ,acelasi gramaj,asta in ideea ca nu are acelasi procent de sare.
Adauga in robot cele trei ingrediente fix pana se omogenizeaza totul,nu mai mult,scoate aluatul pe masa usor infainata,intinde cu sucitorul pudrand faina si pe aluat foaie subtire,apoi taie putin marginile cat sa ai toate marginile frumoase,drepte. Presara mozzarella si ruleaza strans. Vei obtine un sul pe care il tai bucati de aproximativ 3 degete grosime cu un cutit bine ascutit. Pune intr-o tava bucatile obtinute(tava sa incapa in sertarul congelatorului)si introdu pentru aproximativ 15 minute la congelator.
In vasul slow cooker-ului tau tapetat cu foaie copt sau uns cu unt,aseaza pachetelele,unge cu ou batut,aseaza un prosop absorbant si seteaza oala pentru 2,5 ore pe modul high. Necesita sa fie intoarse la jumatatea timpului si schimbat prosopul absorbant.
Pentru varianta dulce presara zahar,scortisoara si apoi fructele si respecta acelasi procedeu.
ATENTIE! Unge pachetelele cu ou doar dupa ce au fost asezate in vasul slow cooker-ului.
Pofta buna!