by Elena
- 3 separate eggs;
- 70 gr sugar;
- 90 gr flour;
- 20 ml oil;
- vanilla paste;
- a pinch of salt;
- chocolate sauce and fruits for serving.
Separate the eggs into 2 deep bowls.
Mix the yolks with the sugar until it changes colour and doubles in volume, then add the oil and vanilla paste and continue mixing.
Mix the egg whites with the salt until they become a hard foam.
Mix the yolks with the egg whites with a spatula moving from top to bottom. Add sifted flour and mix gently with circular moves.
Add baking paper and the resulting composition to your slow cooker bowl. Set the pot for 2 hours on high and don’t forget to use an absorbent towel.
Serve the pandispan with any cream you like or with a chocolate sauce and fresh fruit.
- 3 oua separate;
- 70 gr zahar;
- 90 gr faina;
- 20 ml ulei;
- pasta de vanile;
- un praf de sare;
- sos de ciocolata si fructe pentru servire.
Separa ouale in 2 boluri adanci.
Mixeaza galbenusurile cu zaharul pana isi schimba culoarea si isi dubleaza volumul, dupa care adauga uleiul si pasta de vanilie si mixeaza in continuare.
Mixeaza albusurile cu praful de sare pana devin spuma tare.
Amesteca galbenusurile cu albusurile spuma cu o spatula cu miscari de sus in jos. Adauga si faina cernuta si amesteca usor cu miscari circulare.
In vasul slow cooker-ului tau adauga hartie de copt si compozitia rezultata. Seteaza oala pentru 2 ore pe functia high si nu uita sa folosesti si un prosop absorbant.
Serveste pandispanul cu orice crema dupa plac sau cu un sos de ciocolata si fructe proaspete.
Pofta buna!