by Stefania Rus
- 2 bunches of green onions;
- 3 red pepper;
- 1 full garlic cloves;
- 2 carrots;
- 1 bunch of parsley;
- 5 tablespoons oil;
- spices: salt, pepper, coriander, sweet paprika, smoked paprika;
- 50 ml sweet wine;
- 500 gr turkey leg or goulash turkey meat;
- vegetable stock/ hot water to cover all ingredients;
- parsley.
For dumplings:
- 2 eggs;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 tablespoon oil;
- enough flour to result a dough that does not flow, enough to be “cut” with a spoon.
Directly into the Duraceramic slow cooker bowl, heat the oil, add the meat and let it brown until the water evaporates from the bowl, then add the wine and leave for another 5 minutes.
Transfer the bowl to the slow cooker base, add the vegetables, garlic, spices and set the pot for 5 hours on high .
2 hours before the end, add the dumplings with a spoon. At the end, add freshly chopped parsley and serve with granulated garlic.
Ingredinte papricas;
- 2 legaturi de ceapa verde;
- 3 ardei capia;
- 1 capatana usturoi;
- 2 morcovi;
- 1 legatura patrunjel;
- 5 linguri ulei;
- condimente:sare,piper,coriandru,boia dulce,boia afumata;
- 50 ml vin dulce;
- 500 gr carne curcan pulpa sau carne pentru gulas;
- stock de legume/apa calda cat sa acopere toate ingredientele;
- patrunjel.
Pentru galuste :
- 2 oua;
- 1 praf de sare;
- 1 lingura ulei;
- faina cat sa rezulte un aluat care nu curge, aerat , destul cat sa poata fi ” taiat” cu lingura .
Direct in vasul slow cooker-ului Duraceramic, incinge uleiul . adauga carnea si lasa sa se rumeneasca pana se evapora apa din vas, dupa care adauga vinul si mai lasa inca 5 minute.
Transfera vasul in baza slow cooker-ului, adauga legumele, usturoiul, condimentele si seteaza oala pentru 5 ore pe functia high.
Cu 2 ore inainte de final adauga si galustele cu ajutorul unei linguri. La final adauga patrunjel proaspat tocat si serveste cu usturoi granulat.
Pofta buna!