by Stefania Rus
- 4 halves boneless chicken breast;
- 1grated teaspoon salt, raw sugar, granulated garlic;
- ½ teaspoon ground pepper, paprika, dried oregano, dried basil;
- 4 tablespoons olive oil;
- 700 ml canned or bottled tomatoes (passata, cubetti, peeled);
- 2-3 cloves of crushed garlic;
- 300 gr mozzarella;
- 500 gr penne pasta;
- 3 butter cubes;
- pasta spices: salt, turmeric, oregano basil.
In a deep bowl, mix the spices with the olive oil and also add the diced chicken breast. Cover the bowl and leave to marinate in the fridge overnight.
In your slow cooker bowl, add the tomatoes, garlic and the marinated chicken breast with spices and set the pot for 4 hours on high and with 45 minutes before the end add the grated mozzarella.
Separately, boil the pasta in salted water and turmeric. When is ready, add butter, oregano, basil and mix gently.
Over the pasta, add the chicken with the sauce and serve while is hot.
- 4 jumătăți de piept de pui dezosate;
- cate 1 lingurita rasa de sare, zahăr brut, usturoi granulat ;
- cate ½ linguriță de piper măcinat, boia dulce, oregano uscat, busuioc uscat;
- 4 linguri de ulei de măsline ;
- 700 ml roșii la conservă sau la sticlă (passata, cubetti, pelati) ;
- 2-3 căței de usturoi zdrobiți;
- 300 gr mozzarella;
- 500 gr paste penne;
- 3 linguri unt;
- condimente paste: sare, turmeric, oregano busuioc.
Intr-un bol adanc amesteca condimentele cu uleiul de masline , adauga peste si pieptul de pui taiat cubulete. Acopera vasul si lasa la marinat la rece peste noapte.
Scoate pieptul de pui condimentat din frigider cu 2 ore inainte de a-l gati.In vasul slow cooker-ului tau adauga rosiile, usturoiul si pieptul de pui marinat cu condimente si seteaza oala pentru 4 ore pe functia high.Cu 45 minute inainte de final adauga mozzarella rasa.
Separat , fierbe pastele in apa cu sare si turmeric. Cand sunt gata adauga untul, oregano, busuioc si amesteca usor.
Peste paste adauga puiul cu sos si serveste fierbinte.
Pofta buna!