by Stefania Rus
500 gr mascarpone;
10 gr vanilla sugar;
vanilla extract;
3 eggs;
220 gr flour;
5 gr baking powder;
lemon zest;
strawberries sauce;
4 tablespouns nutella;
150 ml double cream;
sliced strawberries.
Mix the eggs with mascarpone, vanilla sugar, vanilla extract and then add flour with baking powder and strawberry sauce. The composition should be a light, flowing one over which you add how much strawberries you want and lemon zest.
Separately prepare a composition of nutella and double cream.
In your slow cooker bowl greased with butter and flour or in which you have previously put baking paper, place the composition in layers as follows: the first layer, half of the composition with mascarpone followed by the composition with nutella and the last layer the rest of composition with mascarpone.
Set the slow cooker for 2 hours and 40 minutes on high and use an absorbent towel. (Do not be afraid if at the end of the program the composition still has a liquid texture).
Serve cold with extra nutella and strawberries.
500 gr mascarpone;
1 p zahar vanilat;
extract vanilie;
3 oua;
220 gr faina;
5 gr praf de copt;
coaja lamaie;
sos de capsuni;
4 linguri nutella;
150 ml frisca lichida;
capsuni feliate.
Mixeaza ouala cu mascarpone, zahar vanila, extract de vanilie dupa care adauga si faina cu praful de copt si sos de capsuni. Compozitia trebuie sa fie una lejera, curgatoare peste care adauga capsuni dupa plac si coaja de lamaie.
Separat prepara o compozitie din nutella si frisca lichida.
In vasul slow cooker-ului uns cu unt si tapetat cu faina sau in care ati pus in prealabil hartie de copt , asezati in straturi compozitia dupa cum urmeaza: primul strat , jumatate din compozitia cu mascarpone urmat de compozitia cu nutella si ultimul strat restul de compozitie cu mascarpone.
Seteaza slow cooker-ul pentru 2 ore si 40 minute pe functia high si foloseste un prosop absorbant.( Nu va speriati daca la finalul programului compozitia are inca o textura lichida)
Se serveste rece cu extra nutella si capsuni.
Pofta buna!