by Elena
For 4 pieces of chicken breast I used 1 onion, 4-5 garlic cloves, bone stock (click here to see the recipe) to cover the meat, 800 gr sour cream with 50% fat, cheese to taste, 1 tablespoon olive oil , salt, pepper, fresh dill and if necessary, thicken the sauce with a tablespoon of corn starch.
The meat cut into cubes, sauteed separately in a fry pan in a tablespoon of olive oil and then “thrown” in the ceramic bowl of the slow cooker Crock Pot. Onions and garlic sauteed in a saucepan with a lid on the stove, gradually adding bone stock, season and pour over the meat.
Set the pot for 6 hours on low and with an hour before the end add the sour cream with the juice from the pot, with the cheese, dill and optionally the corn starch. Stir at least once after adding the sour cream.
Good appetite!
Pentru 4 bucati piept de pui am folosit 1 ceapa, 4-5 catei de usturoi,zeama de oase(click aici pentru a vedea reteta) cat sa acopere carnea,800 gr smantana cu 50% grasimi, cascaval dupa plac ,1 lingura ulei masline, sare, piper, marar proaspat si dupa caz daca este nevoie se poate ingrosa sosul cu o lingura de amidon.
Carnea taiata cuburi, trasa separat in tigaie intr-o lingura de ulei de masline si mai apoi “aruncata” in vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului Crock Pot cu Autostir de 5,7l(click aici). Ceapa si usturoiul “calite” intr-o cratita cu capac , pe aragaz, adaugand treptat zeama de oase, se condimenteaza si se rastoarna peste carne.
Se seteaza oala pentru 6 ore pe functia low si cu o ora inainte de final se adauga si smantana temperata cu zeama din oala, cu cascavalul , mararul si optional amidonul. Se monteaza si paletele incorporate ale slow cooker-ului pentru a evita branzirea smantanii. Daca nu detinetia acest model, amestecati macar o singura data dupa adaugarea smatanii.
Pofta buna!