by Elena
- 1 kg boneless chicken legs;
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder;
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder;
- 1/2 teaspoon chili powder;
- salt, ground pepper;
- 60 ml milk;
- 60 ml honey;
- 180 ml BBQ sauce;
- 2 tablespoons corn starch dissolved in cold water.
In a deep bowl add the diced chicken and the rest of the ingredients except the starch. Mix very well, cover the bowl and leave it in the fridge for a few hours, preferably overnight.
The next day, transfer all the composition to your slow cooker bowl and set the pot for 2.5 hours on high or until the meat is cooked enough.
When the time has expired, add the corn starch dissolved in cold water and leave it for another 30 minutes on high.
Serve hot with a garnish you like.
Enjoy your meal!
- 1 kg pulpe pui dezosate;
- 1/2 lingurita usturoi pudra;
- 1/2 lingurita pudra ceapa;
- 1/2 lingurita chili pudra;
- sare,piper;
- 60 ml lapte;
- 60 ml miere;
- 180 ml sos BBQ;
- 2 linguri amidon dizolvat in apa rece.
Intr-un bol adanc adauga carnea de pui taiata cuburi si restul de ingrediente cu exceptia amidonului. Amesteca foarte bine, acopera vasul si lasa-l la frigider pentru cateva ore, cel mai bine peste noapte.
A doua zi , transfera toata compozitia in vasul slow cooker-ului tau si seteaza oala pentru 2.5 ore pe functia high sau pana carnea este gatita suficient.
Cand timpul a expirat, adauga si amidonul dizolvat in apa rece si mai lasa inca 30 minute pe high.
Se serveste fierbinte cu garnitura dupa plac.
Pofta buna!