by Stefania Rus
- 2 turkey drumsticks;
- 200 ml black beer;
- 4 tablespoons sunflower oil;
- spices: salt, pepper, granulated garlic, paprika, thyme
- 2 onions cut in half;
- a garlic head;
- two grated carrots.
Add the turkey drumstiks directly to the slow cooker bowl and the rest of the ingredients except the carrots. Set the pot for 6 hours on high. After 2 hours, turn the meat carefully and add the grated carrots.
For a nice crust you can leave the meat in the preheated oven at 160 degrees for a few minutes.
Enjoy your meal!
- 2 pulpe de curcan crestate;
- 200 ml bere neagra;
- 4 linguri ulei floarea soarelui;
- condimentele:sare,piper,usturoi granulat,boia,cimbru
- 2 cepe tăiate în jumatate;
- o căpățână usturoi;
- doi morcovi rași.
Adauga pulpele de curcan direct in vasul slow cooker-ului si restul ingredientelor cu exceptia morcovilor. Seteaza oala pentru 6 ore pe high. Dupa 2 ore intoarce carnea cu atentie si adauga si morcovii rasi.
Pentru crusta poti lasa carnea in cuptorul preincalzit la 160 grade pentru cateva minute.
Pofta buna!