by Elena
- 3 tablespoons olive oil;
- 2 eggplants;
- 3 bell peppers of different colors;
- 2 zucchini;
- 2 onions;
- 6 garlic cloves;
- 30 gr cherry tomatoes;
- 1 can tomatoes in sauce;
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar;
- 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar;
- 1 teaspoon Provence herbs;
- 1 teaspoon basil;
- salt,ground pepper, garlic powder.
In a non-stick pan, fry in hot oil, peppers, zucchini and eggplant (in this order because the eggplant absorbs more oil) cut into strips / cubes according to preference (preferably about the same size).
In the same pan, add the crushed garlic and remove it after browning, then add the chopped onion and sauté for a few minutes. Add the brown sugar over the onion and then add the red wine vinegar.
In the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker add and mix all the ingredients mentioned above. Set the pot for 3 hours on high.
A delicious dish served with hot home made bread.
- 3 linguri ulei masline;
- 2 vinete;
- 3 ardei gras diferite culori;
- 2 dovlecei;
- 2 cepe;
- 6 catei de usturoi;
- 30 gr rosii cherry;
- 1 conserva rosii in bulion;
- 1 lingura zahar brun;
- 1 lingura otet din vin rosu;
- 1 lingurita ierburi de provence;
- 1 lingurita busuioc;
- sare, piper, usturoi pudra.
Intr-o tigaie antiaderenta soteaza pe rand , in ulei incins, ardeii, dovleceii si vinetele( in aceeasta ordine deoarece vinetele absorb mai mult ulei) taiate fasii/cuburi dupa preferinta(de preferat cam de aceeasi dimensiune).
In aceeasi tigaie, adauga usturoiul zdrobit si se scoate dupa ce s-a rumenit apoi adauga ceapa taiata julien si se soteaza pentru cateva minute. Adauga peste ceapa zaharul brun si stinge cu otetul din vin rosu.
In vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului tau adauga si amesteca toate ingredientele mentionate mai sus .Seteaza oala pentru 3 ore pe functia high.
O mancare delicioasa servita cu paine calda.
Pofta buna!