by Elena
Boneless chicken breast (approx. 1.5 kg) but you can also use boneless chicken legs
250 ml BBQ sauce
100ml apple cider
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons Worchestershire sauce
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika
For assembly: tortilla wraps, fries, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, garlic cream sauce or any other combination you want.
With everything or any combination you want, shaorma can be made right at home, with ingredients you know both the origin and the preparation. Homemade pulled chicken shaorma is a healthier and more nutritious alternative than any option you could buy in the city and so easy to make with the help of the slow cooker.
Place the chicken breast in the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker Crock Pot and then add the sauce resulting from the rest of the ingredients. Set the slow cooker for 4 hours on high .
Half an hour before the end, pull the meat with 2 forks and leave it with the sauce until the end of the program, resulting in a juicy and extremely delicious pulled chicken.
Super delicious!
Good appetite!
Piept de pui dezosat ( aprox 1,5kg) dar puteti folosi si pulpele superioare de pui
250 ml sos BBQ
100ml cidru de mere
2 linguri zahar brun
2 linguri sos Worchestershire
1 lingura ulei de masline
sare,piper,usturoi pudra,boia de ardei dulce
Pentru ansamblare: lipii, cartofi “prajiti” la cuptor, castraveti murati, rosii, ceapa salata verde, sos de smantana cu usturoi sau orice alte combinatii doriti.
Cu de toate sau cu orice combinatie vrei tu, shaorma poate fi facuta chiar la tine acasa, cu ingrediente carora le stii atat provenienta cat si modul de pregatire. Shaorma de pui facuta in casa este o alternativa mai sanatoasa si mai hranitoare decat orice varianta ai putea cumpara din oras si atat de simplu de facut cu ajutorul slow cooker-ului.
Pieptul de pui se “arunca” pur si simplu in vasul de ceramica al slow cooker-ului Crock Pot iar peste el adaugam sosul rezultat din restul de ingrediente. Se seteaza aparatul pentru 4 ore pe functia high.
Cu jumatate de ora inainte de final se desface carnea fasii cu ajutorul a 2 furculite si se lasa asa cu tot cuc sos pana la terminarea programului, rezultand astfel o carne suculenta si extrem de delicioasa.
Super delicioasa!
Pofta buna!