by Elena
At the base of this recipe is the chicken soup with noodles (click here to see the recipe) with the following changes: after 3 hours on high I took out the vegetables and part of them I cut the slices and the other part I put them in the blender then back in the soup and then I added the dumplings.
For the dumplings I used equal amounts of eggs (weighed with the shell) and semolina, plus a pinch of salt. Set the composition aside for a few minutes and add it to the soup with a spoon soaked in juice.
After adding the dumplings, we extend the time of slow cooker Crock Pot with another 1.5 hours on the high function.
Super delicious.
Good appetite!
La baza acestei retete sta supa de pui cu taietei (click aici pentru a vedea reteta) cu urmatoarele modificari: dupa 3 ore pe functia high am scos legumele si o parte din ele le-am taiat rondele si cealalta parte le-am bagat la blender dupa care inapoi in supa si tot atunci am adaugat si galustele .
Pentru galuste am folosit cantitati egale de oua(cantarite cu tot cu coaja) si gris , plus un praf de sare. Compozitia se lasa cateva minute deoparte si se adauga in supa cu ajutorul unei linguri umezite in zeama.
Dupa adaugarea galustelor , prelungim timpul slow cooker-ului Crock Pot cu Autostir de 5,7l(click aici) cu inca 1,5 ore pe functia high.
Super delicioasa si galustele pufoase si intregi.
Pofta buna!