by Stefania Rus
- 4 pieces raw pork ribs;
- 1 piece of medium cabbage chopped and rubbed with salt;
- 750 gr tomatoes;
- 30 gr lard;
- 1/2 dill bunch;
- 1 red bell pepper;
- 1 1/2 julienned onion;
- ground pepper, thyme, paprika.
Separately, in a frying pan with hot lard, fry the ribs for a few minutes on both sides. Remove the ribs and sauté in the same pan,the julienned onion until it becomes translucent, then add the pepper for a few minutes.
In the ceramic bowl of your slow cooker place in layers as follows: a layer of chopped cabbage and rubbed with salt, ribs, onion and pepper, tomatoes, the last layer of cabbage and spices.
Mix everything very well and set the pot for 4 hours on high. At the end, add the chopped dill.
Enjoy your meal!
- 4 bucati coaste porc proaspete;
- 1 bucata varza medie tocata grosier si frecata cu sare;
- 750 gr rosii;
- 30 gr untura;
- 1/2 legatura marar;
- 1 ardei capia;
- 1 1/2 ceapa taiata julien;
- piper, cimbru, boia de ardei dulce.
Separat, intr-o tigaie cu untura incinsa, prajeste coastele pentru cateva minute pe ambele parti. Scoate coastele si soteaza in aceeasi tigaie, ceapa taiata julien pana devine translucida dupa care adauga si ardeiul ptr cateva minute.
In vasul ceramic al slow cooker-ului tau aseaza in straturi dupa cum urmeaza: un strat de varza tocata si frecata cu sare,coastele, ceapa si ardeiul , rosiile,ultimul strat de varza si condimentele.
Amesteca totul foarte bine si seteaza oala pentru 4 ore pe functia high. La finalul programului adauga si mararul tocat.
PS: pentru cantitati mai mari amestecati in timpul gatirii si mariti timpul de preparare.
Pofta buna!