Today ,with 4.5l Duraceramic Crock Pot‘s help I rediscovered the little Brussels sprouts. In the past ,through the classic cooking, I always had a bitter final dish, but noow I decided to give them another chance by cooking this wonderful Brussels sprouts in my magic 4.5l Duraceramic Crock Pot. I did well because a delicacy came out.
- 500 gr bacon;
- 700 gr Brussels sprouts;
- 3 medium potatoes;
- 3 garlic cloves;
- 1 butter cube;
- 70 gr parmesan;
- half bunch fresh parsley;
- 3 spring onions;
- salt, pepper , garlic powder.
Fry the bacon strips directly in Duraceramic bowl,on high heat, for about 10-15 minutes with crushed garlic , chopped potatoes and butter and from time to time add a frozen chicken stock cube.
Turn off the heat , add the spices, the parmesan and the Brussels sprouts cleaned of the firs leaves.
Transfer the Duraceramic bowl in slow cooker and set the pot for 2.5 hours on high.
At he end season with chopped parsley and spring onions.
Good appetite!
Astazi, cu ajutorul Crock Pot-ului Duraceramic de 4,5l(click aici) am redescoperit micuta varza de Bruxelles. Dupa ce in trecut , prin gatitul clasic, aveam tot timpul un produs final amar, am decis sa-i mai dau o sansa gatind minunata varzuca si la slow cooker si bine am facut, deoarece a iesit o minunatie.
- 500 gr bacon ;
- 700 gr varza de Bruxelles;
- 3 cartofi medii;
- 3 catei de usturoi;
- 1 cub unt;
- 70 gr parmezan;
- 1/2 legatura patrunjel verde;
- 3 buc ceapa verde;
- condimente dupa plac: sare,piper, usturoi praf.
Direct in vasul Duraceramic am “prajit”(aproximativ 10-15 min la foc rapid) bacon-ul taiat fasii cu usturoiul pisat si cartofii cuburi, in unt si adaugand din cand in cand cate un cub inghetat de zeama de oase(click aici pentru a vedea reteta) . Dupa ce focul a fost stins am adaugat condimentele, parmezanul si varza de Bruxelles curatata de primele foi si cotorul taiat, am transferat vasul in oala slow cooker-ului si am setat pentru 2,5 ore pe functia high. La final am asezonat cu patrunjel si ceapa verde.
Pofta buna!